Hello, District 5130. Jennifer Strong, District Governor here and I am coming to you from, well, my garden! It is now August and time for your monthly update. I hope that you all are having a wonderful summer and an amazing start to this Imagine Rotary year. I have been having a great time getting out and visiting your clubs and look forward to seeing many more of you in the next couple of months. So a couple of quick updates. First of all, don't forget about our monthly Environmental Challenge.

Your club is eligible to receive that special award presented at District Conference next year. The challenges are super easy, lots of ideas on things that you can be doing. If you want to go back and do a past month, you welcome to do that. So make sure you check out our website at rotary5130.org for more information.

Also, ask your club president about the $250 reimbursement that is available for public image update that you may need to be doing in your club. Maybe you need some brochures. Maybe you need some new signage. Maybe you need a new popup that has your Rotary logo on it. Just make sure you’re using the master brand. And we also have resources and help for you available on our website as well.

Finally, don’t forget that we have a special grant available for any type of environmental project that you may be doing. It’s currently $200, but my hunch is I think we may be able to increase that here very, very soon. Keep an eye out for that but, simply stated, we have a reimbursement for your club to do an environmental project. So make sure you also check out our website rotary5130.org for more information.

Now a couple of important dates. Don’t forget the District Leadership Training Academy registration deadline is this month. This is a phenomenal opportunity to get deep dive education on Rotary and is great for leadership line as well. Saturday, October 8th is our Foundation Celebration South and October 15th, Foundation Celebration North. Registration will be opening soon and these will be events not to miss! All of this and more on our District website.

If you haven’t yet, go like our District 5130 Facebook page. We have been seeing some amazing collaboration between clubs. We are sharing events like crazy on that 5130 Facebook page. So if you have an event or an activity coming up, let us know. We'll get it cross pollinated and exposed. And lastly just a quick little reminder, that District team interest survey is still open. It will be tagged in all of my emails that I send out to you. We’re always looking for Rotarians with a passion and a desire to share it with others! I appreciate all that you are doing. I look forward to seeing y’all very soon as we continue our journey on Imagine Rotary.

Upcoming Events

Petaluma Valley 50th Anniversary Celebration
August 16th 2024
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Big West Zone 26 & 27 Rotary Institute
Sep 11th - Sep 17th 2024
More info

Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament
September 14th 2024
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Napa Weekly Club Meeting
September 25th 2024
More info

Governor Updates